Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Previously, people regarded this
month of Safar as an unlucky month. Rasulullah ﷺ
established the Dien of Islam and put an end to such incorrect beliefs.
Unfortunately, this belief still
lingers with many people. Undoubtedly, there are many days and months that
are regarded as blessed in Islam, such as Jumu`ah, Ramadaan and various other occasions. However, we do not have an unlucky
occasion in our Deen. It is against the grain of Imaan to believe in
superstition, which is tantamount to Shirk.
For example: There are many
people who are outwardly involved in various forms of Ibaadat yet they believe
that if a cat meows at night, then news of someone’s death will reach them.
Life and death is totally in the
hands of Allah Ta’ala. This is mentioned in various parts of the Qur’aan
Sharief and Hadith. Allah Ta’ala is the Giver and Taker of life.
If a person believes in Tawheed
and knows the pure teachings of the Qur’aan Sharief and Rasulullah ﷺ,
then how can he entertain the slightest belief that the meowing of a cat is
connected to death?
Similarly, there are people that
believe in certain numbers being a source of bad luck, such as the number
thirteen. Having such beliefs reflect towards the weakness of our Imaan. There
is a need to rectify these incorrect beliefs…