Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem
The father
of Hadhrat Moulana Ilyaas Saheb (RA), Moulana Ismail Saheb, was a great Buzurg.
When he had passed away, the crowd for the Janaza Salaah was enormous. A
Sahib-e-Kashf (a person who Allah Ta'ala bestows the gift of receiving Divine
Inspiration), saw Hazrat Moulana Ismail Saheb (RA) requesting him to instruct
the people to convey the Janaaza quickly, as Nabi (Sallallaahu 'alayhi
wasallam) was waiting for him, and he felt ashamed that the Allah Ta'ala's Nabi
(Sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam) should wait for him.
This is
achievement is there in us leaving our millions behind? This is the work of a
foolish person. He leaves behind all that he worked so hard for, and goes empty
handed. ...A person who goes with the great honour of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu
'alayhi wasallam) waiting for him can be considered successful.
The Buzurgs
of the time interpreted this inspiration and the honour Allah Ta'ala had
granted Hazrat Moulana Ismail Saheb (RA) as being due to the punctuality,
steadfastness and regularity of reading the Sunnat Duas for the relevant
occassions (before and after
eating, drinking, sleeping, etc.). Hadhrat
was very particular about these Duas and Sunnats - for which he received this
great honour after death. ...
Read more HERE