Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem
"This kitaab offers a beautiful explanation of
the great virtues and merits of the first ten days of Zul Hijjah and Qurbani.
Hadhrat Moulana Abdul Hamid Is`haq Saheb (Daamat Barakaatuhum) presented many
noble lessons from the life of Hadhrat Ibraheem (Alaihis Salaam) and his
family, as well as highlighted the need for us to instil within ourselves, the
love of Dien and the spirit of sacrifice.
Alhamdulillah, the discussion creates great
appreciation for the Ibadat of Qurbani, in these times, when many people are
indifferent and uninterested in upholding this great Sunnah.
Hadhrat Moulana's words of advice will, Insha-Allah, leave the reader motivated and inspired to be practical on all the
teachings of Islam."