Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Alhamdulillahi munshi'il khalqi min adami
All praise is due to Allah Who has created the creation from
Thummas salaatu ‘alal mukhtaari fil qidami.
Then Salaat on the Chosen one since ever.
Moulaa ya salli wa sallim daaiman abadan alaa Habibika,
‘alaa Rasulika khairil khalqi kullihimi
O Allah, send Durood and Salaam for ever and ever on Your
Beloved, on Your Rasul, the best of all the creation.
Ya Rabbi salli wa sallim daaiman abadan alaa basheerin nazeerin Muhammada
O Allah send Durood and Salaam for ever and ever on the
Giver of
glad tidings (of
Jannah) and Warner (of the Fire of Jahannum):
Muhammad (Sallallaahu
‘alaihi wa sallam).
Moulaaya salli wa sallim daaiman abadan alaa Taahaa Sayyidil Mursalien
O Allah send Durood and Salaam for ever and ever on TaaHaa,
Master of all Messengers.
Balligh Salaami Raudhatan fihan Nabiul Muhtaram
Convey my salaams to the Roudha in which rests the Honourable
[A Bedouin came to Madina Munawwarah and recited these couplets at the Roudha-e-Mubarak, which are now engraved on the frame of the Roudha-e-Mubarak]
Ya khaira man dufinat bilqaa’i a'zhumuhu
O You, The Best, whose (blessed) body has been buried in this plain (sand)…
'Fa Taaba min teebihinna al qaa'u wal akamu
Due to the fragrance of the
blessed body of Rasulullah
(Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam) – the surrounding sand (touching
his kafan) and the hillocks have become fragrant.
(Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam) – the surrounding sand (touching
his kafan) and the hillocks have become fragrant.
Nafsil fidhaa li qabrin anta saakinuhu
My soul is sacrificed for the
mausoleum you are in.
feehil afaafu wa feehil judu wal karamu
In it is purity, generosity and
Huwal Habibullazhi turjaa shafaa'atuhu li kulli hawlin minal
ahwaali muqtahimi
He is that beloved whose intercession we hope for; from
all problems and difficulties of the future (of the day of
Ya Rabbi balligh bil Mustapha maqaasidanaa, waghfir lanaa ma madhaa Ya Wasi'al Karami
O Allah grant us our objectives by the Wasiela of The
Chosen One,
and forgive us all our previous sins, O Most Generous.
and forgive us all our previous sins, O Most Generous.