Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Some other sentiments expressed from other Scholars:
“We went to
many conferences, but this was just different. It was simple. It was not fancy;
it was just different!”
“I wish I
could always be in an environment like this; not seeing women and not exposed
to Fitnah. …Just talks of Dien and in the company of such great Ulama - like
being in Jannah!
“We felt
like we were sleeping all this time. You woke us up to see what the Ummah
actually needs from the Ulama!”
here, walk their talk, by following the Sunnah; contrary to even Ulama from our
Shukr to Allah Ta’ala. He made it easy to practise on Dien in a non-Muslim
country. Even some Arab countries do not have this privilege.”