Hazrat Maulana Abdul Hamid Is`haq Saheb (Daamat Barakaatuhum)
Sometimes a car engine does not seem to get
enough fuel or any fuel. The problem can be due to different reasons: a blocked
fuel line or fuel filter or some fault with the fuel pump or carburettor.
We know that the fuel lines control and
regulate the flow of fuel. If it is clogged or blocked, there is difficulty to
start the car since fuel does not make its way to the engine. The engine
generally does not restart until the blockage is removed. A blocked fuel line
also results in smoke since the fuel overflows. If there is some leak and
contact with an ignition source, such as the engine, then this results in smoke
and can be dangerous, even causing a fire.
In the light of this example, we can draw
parallels to the consequences of our indulgence in sins.
Sometimes a sin, for which there was no
repentance, creates a blockage at the time of death. Due to commission of sins,
persistence in sins, and not making sincere Taubah, the spiritual heart becomes
clogged and blocked. This creates great difficulty at the time of death. There
is no free flow for the Kalima Tayyibah to be recited and for the soul to leave
the body with ease.
Sometimes the blockage of sins become so
dangerous for one’s Imaan that it prevents the person from reading the Kalima
and this results in having to come into contact with the smoke and fire of
Jahannum – in the Qabr and in the Aakhirah. Allah Ta’ala save us all.
It is therefore necessary to engage in Taubah
and Istighfaar daily. Through the blessings of Taubah and Istighfaar, these sins
which would otherwise create blockages for an easy death, are removed.
Hazrat Maulana Shah Wasiullaah (RA) had said
so beautifully in poetry:
‘Is tarah se tai ki manzile, chale, gire,
uthe, chale'
“We journeyed to
Allah Jalla Jalalaaluhu in this way: We crawled, fell, got up, walked!”
Let us not stay stuck in the filth, dirt and grime of
sins. Repair the “car” (heart and soul) with Taubah, and continue on your
journey, in piety, to Him.