Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Nasihah 29

Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem



Thursday, 23 January 2025

Follow Those on The Right Path

Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem


In Surah Yusuf, when Hadhrat Yusuf (Alaihis Salaam) was unjustly imprisoned, two prisoners, on observing his virtue and piety, requested him for the interpretations of their dreams. As is inherent in the Ambiyaa (Alaihimus Salaam), Hadhrat Yusuf (Alaihis Salaam) first invited them to Imaan, to the Oneness of Allah Ta’ala, before fulfilling their request for the dream interpretations. He said to them:


“He said: ‘No food provided for you shall come to you but i can give you its description before it comes to you. This is the knowledge my Lord has given me…”

[Surah Yusuf 12 : 37]


Hadhrat Yusuf (Alaihis Salaam) revealed to them a miracle that Allah Ta’ala blessed him with – that is, he was able to inform them of the exact food that would be provided for them. This was a clear proof of his Nubuwwah and was meant to increase their confidence when calling them to accept Dien. Hadhrat Yusuf (Alaihis Salaam) also proclaimed his severance with those who were disbelievers, saying:


“…I have abandoned the ways of a people that believe not in Allah and who deny the hereafter.”

[Surah Yusuf 12 : 37]


Thereupon, Hadhrat Yusuf (Alaihis Salaam) announced his affiliation and connection with the Ambiyaa (Alaihimus Salaam) and his firm belief in Tauheed, renouncing any kind of shirk and acknowledging the favour and grace of Allah Ta’ala:


“And I have followed the religion of my fathers, Ibraheem, Is’haq and Ya’qub. And it is not for us to associate any partners with Allah. That is from the favour of Allah upon us and upon the people, but most of the people are not grateful.”

[Surah Yusuf 12 : 38]


In these beautiful words of da’wah, Hadhrat Yusuf (Alaihis Salaam) summarised and brought together fundamental guidance and weighty counsel for our spiritual well-being and salvation. The criteria outlined in these Aayaat are:


1.    We do not follow the ways of the disbelievers, nor do we follow our elders if they tread upon the wrong path and instruct us to falsehood.

2.    We follow our elders when they are on the right path themselves, and are guiding and teaching us what is right.


As Believers, our allegiance is first to Allah Ta’ala and His Rasul Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam. Thereafter, the first category of people a person obeys and follows are his parents. Parents are meant to be guides for their children, bringing them up on Imaan and Islam; in obedience to Allah Ta’ala and Rasulullah Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam. Parents are to teach, train, guide, advise and correct the child.


The great rights of the parents are clearly outlined and emphasised in the Qur’aan Sharief as well as in the Ahadith. While kindness is much more to the mother, there must be respect and obedience to both. Allah Ta’ala mentions:



“We commanded man (to be good) in respect of his parents. His mother carried him (in her womb) despite weakness upon weakness, and his weaning is in two years.

(We said to man,) “Be grateful to Me and to your parents. To Me is the ultimate return.”

[Surah Luqman 31 : 14]


If we follow through in fulfilling the rights of our parents, we will find a lot of goodness in our lives.


Keeping this in mind, we know that there are others who also have great rights over us such as the Ustaadh and Shaykh. Foremost are the rights of parents; thereafter the Ustaadh and then the Shaykh. This is the correct tarteeb (sequence) and it is important to keep to this order:


1.       Our Parents

2.       Our Asaatiza (teachers)

3.       Our Shaykh (spiritual mentor)


Hadhrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (Rahmatullahi ‘alayh) has substantiated this order in his kitaab, Aadabul Mu’asharaat and other writings, with Shar’i proofs. We should not upset this arrangement; for example, we should not give preference to the Shaykh or the Ustaadh over the parents.


After commanding us to respect and be grateful to our parents, Allah Ta’ala instructs:


“But if they force you to associate with Me what you have no knowledge of (other gods), do not obey them….”

[Surah Luqman 31:15]


If the person has brought Imaan and accepted Islam, and his parents are non-Believers and they pressurise him to give up Islam and ascribe partners to Allah Ta’ala – then the command is: Do not obey them. …Do not follow them.


Allah Ta’ala has given this clear prohibition when parents force the person to kufr and shirk. The prohibition will also apply if parents force to any other form of disobedience to Allah Ta’ala. It will not be permissible to obey at such times.


Similarly, this injunction will apply to the Ustaadh, Shaykh or anyone else who instructs or influences towards falsehood. Although Allah Ta’ala does not mention the Ustaadh or the Shaykh, a person can clearly understand that if parents are not to be obeyed when they command to kufr and Haraam, it will apply moreover to others. Thus, a person cannot follow the Ustaadh if he directs or instructs to anything that goes against the Shari’ah. The person cannot follow the Shaykh if he orders to anything which is wrong. Dien is given priority over parents, Ustaadh, Shaykh and everyone! 


Allah Ta’ala reward our mashaa’ikh. They too had this concern and would even address their khulafa and close associates and say: The day you see that I have strayed from Dien and am not following the Dien properly, leave me and follow Dien.  …May Allah Ta’ala give us the concern, the understanding and taufeeq.


Hadhrat Yusuf (Alaihis Salaam) encapsulated these vital matters very beautifully, which have been explained in other places in the Qur’aan Sharief as well. This is a great teaching of the Qur’aan Sharief.


If a person understands this, he will not go astray; he will be on hidayat in this world and when he reaches his qabr, he will be able to answer the questions of the qabr correctly. On the other hand, if we feel that we must follow our parents when they command us to wrong, we will have problems in this world and severe problems in the qabr. Likewise, if a person feels that respect and obedience to the Ustaadh and the Shaykh is binding in matters which go against the grain of Shari’ah, the person will go astray and will have to contend with the consequences. The Ahadith state very clearly: “There is no obedience to the creation if it entails disobedience to the Creator.”[1]


Rasulullah Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam said: “…There is no obedience to anyone in sinful acts; obedience is only in meritorious acts.”[2]





We find, at times, in the lives of the Sahaba (Radhiyallahu anhum) that if anyone broke the law of Shari’ah or went against the instruction of Rasulullah Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam – even if it was a close family member – ties were cut, because Dien comes before family and before any other friendship or association. The Sahabah (Radhiyallahu anhum) held every command of Dien in high regard and could not bear anyone breaking them. Thus, it is permissible to remain aloof and even break off ties with one who is involved in innovation and sin. Of course, this stance should not be due to the nafs or some worldly excuse.


In the same way, if a person not only breaks the laws of Shari’ah but commands us to also do so, it will not be permissible to follow or obey him. …If the Ustaadh or the Shaykh departs from Siratul Mustaqeem (the straight path); moves away from the teachings of Deen and openly engages in wrong actions or instructs us towards the wrong, it is not permissible to follow him. This is especially vital in these times when many scholars adopt a liberal stance in matters of the Shar’iah. They obscure the teachings of the Qur’aan Sharief and Sunnah, and advocate and encourage towards permissive and Haraam conduct such as intermixing of men and women, photography, interfaith, etc.


The criterion is the Dien of Allah Ta’ala – the Qur’aan Sharief and Sunnah.  Family ties and other associations, wealth and worldly ranks will not assist us in the hereafter. What will count is our Dien and our a’maal; our good deeds. Allah Ta’ala says:


“Then, when the Trumpet will be blown, there will be no ties of kinship between them on that Day, nor will they (even care to) ask about one another.


And those whose scales are heavy (with good deeds) - it is they who are the successful.”

[Surah Al-Mu’minoon 23 : 101/102]


To recap: We should not follow our elders and seniors if they are leading us down the wrong path. However, if they are teaching us correctly and guiding us aright, we must follow them very strongly. We must firmly attach ourselves to their guidance and teachings because they are Rijaalullah (the men of Allah Ta’ala); they convey and explain the true knowledge of the Qur’aan Sharief and Sunnah. They guide the creation to recognising the Creator and fulfilling their objective of this worldly life and gaining salvation in the hereafter.


Allah Ta’ala grant us taufeeq to adhere to what is Haq and bless us with the guidance of the Ulama-e-Haq. Aameen.



[1] Musnad Ahmad

[2] Sahih Bukhari, Hadith: 7257, Sahih Muslim, Hadith: 1840



Wednesday, 8 January 2025