Sunday, 16 March 2025

Nasihah 30 - 31

 Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem


Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Impermissible Yesterday, Permissible Today

 Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem

By Hadhrat Moulana Abdul Hamid Is’haq Saheb 

(Daamat Barakaatuhu)



On one occasion, Rasulullah Sallallaahu alaihi wasallam presented some advice to the Sahabah (Radhiyallahu anhum) by way of an illustration. He drew a square on the ground and then a line in the middle, going beyond the square. On either side of the line, he drew short lines. Rasulullah Sallallaahu alaihi wasallam then explained the drawing - the import and meaning of the Hadith being:


The square is the life-span of man which encircles him from all sides. The middle line signifies man, living his life (till the end of the square). The line continues beyond the square (his death), representing his hopes and desires which go beyond his life-span. 


The small lines are the calamities and troubles which may befall him. If one misses him, another will overtake him; if the other misses him, a third will overtake him. There are various tribulations and adversities that assail man during his worldly life. ...Many fitan arise which may also distract him from Dien; fitan in the form of money, sport, entertainment, women and other desires of his nafs.


In another Hadith, Rasulullah Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam similarly drew a vertical line in the sand and presented another analogy, saying: “This is the straight path of Allah.” Then, he Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam drew lines to the right and left, saying: “These are other paths (of divergence).” …The Straight Path is Islam and leads to Jannah. All other paths diverge. They are various fitan.


What should we do when faced with these trials?


There are two very important requirements for our protection:


1.      Suhbat of the sawliheen – the company of the righteous and pious.

2.      Zikrullah – remembering Allah Ta’ala at all times.


Without these two, we can easily get caught up in a trial that can harm or even destroy our Dien. May Allah Ta’ala safeguard us all.


A great Sahabi, Hadhrat Huzaifah bin Yamaan (Radhiyallahu ‘anhu) presented a very important and significant point – which is to a great extent, widespread in this day and age.


Someone asked Hadhrat Huzaifah (Radhiyallahu ‘anhu): “How does a person know that he is caught up in fitnah and has gone astray?”


We must all consider the reply very carefully.


He replied: “When a person had regarded something as impermissible yesterday and today, he regards it as permissible; he is caught up in fitnah.”


This fitnah of regarding the impermissible as permissible is a path of a deviation – and takes a person far away from Dien.


For the majority of us, yesterday – that is, in previous years – photography was Haraam; taboo. Today it is allowed. It is sanctioned by many well-known scholars and muftis who give the fatwa that photography is permissible. This, despite the clear-cut prohibition in the Ahadith.  


Till yesterday, we all knew that intermingling of men and women is Haraam in Islam. Islam prohibits free-mixing. Today, it is considered permissible. So-called scholars have panel discussions with women on radio and television, they are interviewed by female journalists, etc. and they talk freely and openly, even publishing guidelines for gender interaction – rebuffing Allah Ta’ala’s prohibitions.


It was taboo that a Muslim goes to a temple, church or synagogue – but this is the situation today, where even scholars participate in the rituals of other religions. What a great fitnah the person is caught in but he sees it as permissible and even encourages it.


Yesterday, we invited others to Islam. Today, in the name of interfaith and the Abrahamic religion, many consider other religions as equal to Islam, which is kufr.  Allah Ta’ala states in the Qur’aan Sharief that the only religion accepted by Him is Islam.  


Previously, the polytheists were not allowed to enter the Haram of Makkah Mukarramah and Madina Munawwarah. Now Christians, Jews and Hindus are being invited to Baitullah and to Madinah Munawwarah.


The Shias were and are known for their great enmity towards the Sahabah (Radhiyallahu anhum), asserting that the Sahabah (Radhiyallahu ‘anhum) were not even Muslims, slandering Hadhrat Abu Bakr (Radhiyallahu ‘anhu) and Hadhrat Ayesha (Radhiyallahu anha), the pure wife of Rasulullah Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam – na-uzu Billah. All these years, it was known that their beliefs are kufr. They are not Muslims. Today, scholars befriend the Shias and share the same platforms with them … and many among us befriend those scholars. How can we be friends with any person who gives the Shias position, respect and honour? …May Allah Ta’ala guide us.


Thus, we find that we have been caught in different fitan.  These are very serious matters affecting our Imaan. Unfortunately, these fitan have become like pervasive weeds, spreading quickly in the Ummah.


“Yesterday”, certain individuals and organisations projected one picture and today, they project the opposite; exactly as mentioned by Hadhrat Huzaifah bin Yamaan (Radhiyallahu ‘anhu). …It will not be permissible to follow or maintain any associations with any organisation or individual that goes out of line and does not follow the Ahkaam (Commands) of Allah Ta’ala; who makes permissible what is divinely decreed as impermissible.   


Let us realise our loyalty to Rasulullah Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam and the Sahabah (Radhiyallahu anhum), as well as our Akaabir and Aslaaf who follow in their way.


We need to adopt great caution, seek Allah Ta’ala’s protection and make dua for ourselves and others.


Hadhrat Imam ibn Hanbal (Rahmatullahi ‘alayh) had made a great dua – which we too should make, even in English:


“O Allah, whoever is from the Ummah (of Rasulullah Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam) but he is not on the right path, though he thinks he is on the right path; O Allah, return him to the truth so that he can be of the righteous people.”


May Allah Ta’ala give us understanding and taufeeq of amal.